Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions of your own, please email us at:

  • q-iconWhat is CSCS?

    Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCSs) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They conduct sport-specific testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention. Recognizing that their area of expertise is separate and distinct, CSCSs consult with and refer athletes to other professionals when appropriate. Today, professionals from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds hold this prestigious credential.  This diverse group includes strength coaches, personal trainers, athletic trainers, physical therapists, physicians, chiropractors, researchers and educators. The CSCS is the only strength training and conditioning certification to be nationally accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and has been nationally accredited since 1993. CSCS is offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is regarded as one of the most recognized and best strength coach/personal trainer certifications in the fitness industry. It is also one of the most difficult certifications to earn.

  • q-iconWhat are the benefits of earning a CSCS certification?

    A CSCS certification gives you a higher level of credibility compared to any other certification out there today. It’s the gold standard. It shows that you have the knowledge, ability and commitment to perform. It is highly regarded and one of the most recognized certifications. It opens up many doors and enhances career opportunities. It shows that you are a qualified professional and puts you in a better position than those without it. Some jobs may even require it. To keep one’s designation, a CSCS is required to obtain continuing education, which means that you will always be up-to-date about exercise research and training methods. You will always be improving your knowledge base and ability to perform as a professional. Networking opportunities are available for a CSCS. A lot of the leaders in the industry have a CSCS.

  • q-iconWhat is everything I need to prepare for the CSCS Exam?

    It’s simple.  All you need is the textbook, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition and access to (nothing else).

    PassCoachExam was designed for candidates who do not have an exercise science-related degree (if you do have one then it will just take you less time to prepare). All you need to do is follow our simple steps and you’ll be ready to pass!

  • q-iconHow is Pass Coach Exam different than other study aids and how is it going to help me pass?

    PassCoachExam is fully loaded with everything possible to help you pass the CSCS exam (details on the main page).

    There’s over 400 practice question (more than any other study aid out there) which I feel are key to passing, but a big difference is showing you how to use practice questions effectively.

    I show you how to study for it with a step by step process – all you have to do is follow it.